Tort Law


Directions:  Submit answers to the following questions through the drop box in MYC. You can type (or paste) your answers directly into the drop box, or upload a document. Acceptable document types are text files (.txt), PDF files (.pdf), pictures (.jpg), or Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx). You may reference other documents or websites by including a hyperlink to the document on the web. Assignments are due by the start of class on the due date. If you have difficulty uploading the assignment to the drop box, you may turn in a hard copy.

Tort Law

1. Locate a recent news article from an established media outlet that describes a situation that could give rise to an intentional tort. Attach (or link to) a copy of the article. Briefly describe the intentional tort in question, explain how the facts meet the elements of the tort, and indentify any defenses that might apply.

2. Locate a recent news article from an established media outlet that describes a situation that could give rise to a claim of negligence. Attach (or link to) a copy of the article. Briefly describe the negligent act, explain how the facts meet the elements of an action for negligence, and indentify any defenses that might apply.

Products Liability Law

3. Locate a warning label on a product of your choiceeither on the product itself or in the accompanying product literature and materials. Attach a copy of the warning (by scanning or taking a photo), or re-type the text of the warning if necessary. Identify the type of product and discuss whether you believe the warning label is appropriate, or contains any warning defects.

Consumer Law

4. Identify a consumer protection statute that arises under Florida state law. Give a citation to the appropriate section of the Florida Statutes. Briefly describe who the statute is designed to protect, and what type of protections are offered.