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assigment 2

Journal Entry: Operationalized Mission Statement

For my second week I followed the Clinical team around and did the intake and what issues was going with the clients as well ass new admits and discharge patients. 

Assignment: Final Project Topic

This week you should begin thinking about your Final Project. By choosing a topic for your Final Project early, you are able to keep it in mind as you participate in your field experience. Your field experience is a valuable resource when completing your Final Project.

Note: Although this Assignment is not graded, you are required to have your Final Project topic approved by your Instructor.

The assignment:

  • Submit a paragraph that identifies your practical or scientific Final Project topic and how it relates to your field experience setting (This topic is subject to approval from your instructor. Please see the Week 1: Final Project area for additional details).

here are some things I was able to be apart of . Also I got to sit in all of the groups that they have .

The company is a recovery center for addiction:

Mission Statement: Our mission is to transform your life of addiction to a life of hope through inspiration, education, and support.  a brief description of your field experience setting focusing on the nature of the settings work as it relates to forensic psychology. Then include the mission statement of the setting or one of a setting that is similar. Finally, explain how forensic psychology fits with the mission of setting. Be specific.

The cite is a substance reablitation center . The goal is to properly be able to access intake and learn the placement process for the clients that are sent there for legal reasons for clients .