Liberal Studies Hunger of Memory, Rodriguez

The Book’s name is (Richard Rodriquez, Hunger of Memory: The Education of Richard Rodriguez) I don’t have a PDF file unfortunately.

Be sure to quote and analyze specific passages from the course readings to support your answer. Answers that do not include such support will receive no credit. You may use additional sources to support your answers if you wish. You should be able to answer the question in 1,000 words or so, but feel free to go longer.
Please note: None of the questions lend themselves to one-paragraph answers. Edit your
answer for clarity and cohesiveness before submitting it on iLearn.

1. In the beginning of Hunger of Memory, Rodriguez writes, There are those in White America who would anoint me to play out for them some drama of ancestral reconciliation (p. 5). Why would he be chosen for that role, and why did he reject it? Feel free to share a social role that you have been offered but declined to play. What led you to that decision?