
Overview: You will create the planning section of your public relations campaign and post it to the provided discussion area. You will provide an overview regarding the history of public relations and how it exists today for the industry that you selected for your module two journal last week (Disney).Your slides should be tailored to the audience of that industry. You will receive feedback from both your instructor and your peers to incorporate into final submission in week seven.

Prompt: In your initial post, identify the industry that your presentation will be developed for and attach your PowerPoint Presentation to the discussion area. The presentation should consists of 45 slides. 

I. Research: For this part of the summative assessment, you will perform the first step of the four-step public relations process, research. You will describe the best practices and appropriate ethical practices in public relations in your presentation.

A. Create at least two slides that provide an overview of how the professional ethics code in public relations guides decision making on conflicts of interest using examples from the ethics code and connecting them to the field you have selected. [COM-227-02]

B. Create at least two slides that provide an overview of how the professional ethics code in public relations guides decision making regarding competition among public relations professionals using examples from the ethics code and materials presented in the course. [COM-227-02]

 C. Create at least two slides that provide an overview of how the professional ethics code in public relations guides decision making regarding the protection and advancement of accurate and truthful information using examples from the ethics code and materials presented in the course, these should connect to the type of industry you have selected. [COM-227-02]

D. Discusses best practices for creating presentations in public relations. The notes section should be used, and sources should be properly cited. [COM-227-03]

II. Planning: For this part of the summative assessment, you will perform the second step of the four-step public relations process, planning. You will provide an overview regarding the history of public relations and how it exists today for the industry you have selected. Your slides will be tailored to the audience of that industry.

A. Create three slides, in your presentation, that discuss the history of PR for your industry, include any major milestones, and how the field uses PR today. [COM-227-04]

B. Explains what research was found to support ethics and best practices. The notes section should be used and references provided. [COM- 227-04]

C. The presentation must reflect information for your target audience. [COM-227-03]