
Read the ENTIRE “Introduction” of  After the Fact  by Tues. 9/14
Reading a book Painting by Trayko Popov | Saatchi Art
Understanding the “Introduction” of this book is VERY IMPORTANT in order to grasp what the authors are trying to do / accomplish in each subsequent chapter
As you read… look up vocabulary words…
Start differentiating between main points the authors make  AND details/ explanations they provide about the main points.

In this Assignment you will be preparing to write a summary (a brief version of the reading).  This first step asks you to differentiate between main points the authors make AND details / explanations they provide about the main points.

A.  Make a LIST of  main points evident in the “Introduction” of After the Fact.  Follow instructions carefully to avoid losing points.  ALWAYS NUMBER items in your Posts.  Five (-5) points deducted for EACH instruction you do not follow.  You will receive maximum twenty (20) points out of 100 for this ENTIRE section (A.) if you do not number your answers.

Make a LIST (1. 2. 3. etc.) 
Your LIST should ONLY include “significant” or “main points” made in the assigned reading
Use ONE complete sentence for EACH main point—DO NOT include details or explanations
LIST the main points in chronological (sequential) order —follow the order of the information as it appears in the story
Paraphrase (use mostly your own words to restate) EACH Main Point
Use accurate information from the reading
DO NOT include your opinion or thoughts.