Philosophy of Education

Write a 2- to 4-page paper that explains how you will integrate Alliants IMPACT values into your professional practice as a teacher and your personal philosophy of education.

Explain how you will integrate Alliants IMPACT values into your professional practice as a teacher and into your personal philosophy of education.

Identify where the values of inclusion, mentorship, passion, accountability, communication, and teamwork fit into your personal philosophy and the best professional practices addressed in this course. A personal philosophy of teaching will include your:

    Philosophical influences
    Beliefs about the purpose of education
    Beliefs about the role of the teacher
    Beliefs about the role of the student
    Beliefs about how students learn
    Beliefs about student motivation
    Beliefs about best teaching practices
    Beliefs about assessment

Provide concrete examples, where possible, to illustrate your points and make references to theory or research.