Journal review 700

Journal ArticleReview Assignment Instructions


The most important channel for academic research isthe peer-reviewed journal article. In a peer-reviewed journal article, ascholar will: 1) propose a research question; 2) demonstrate the importance ofthis research question through analysis of relevant literature; 3) introduce astudy that will explore the research question; 4) detail and analyze theresults of that study; 5) draw conclusions from that study.

Before an article of this kind is published, it willbe reviewed by other scholars who have published their own studies in thisfield. Typically, the identities of the studys author(s) are not shared withreviewers and vice versa; this is to ensure that work is published based on itsown merits, rather than on the popularity or personal relationships of theauthor.

Reviewers will critique every aspect of the study andprovide anonymous feedback. Often this peer review process will requiremultiple refinements or revisions of the study. The goal of this process is toensure that when the article is published, it addresses a relevant researchquestion, it uses a sound methodological approach, it interprets data fairlyand accurately, and it draws sound conclusions.

The goal of every scholar is to publish apeer-reviewed article. Before publishing a peer-reviewed article, though, it isimportant for the scholar to develop skill in reviewing and criticallyassessing such an article. That is the purpose of this Journal ArticleReview Assignment.


In this Journal Article Review Assignment, youwill submit a review and evaluation of a single article, relevant to yourdissertation research interest, that has been published in the past five yearsin a peer-reviewed journal. In this Journal Article Review Assignment, youwill:

       Identifythe research question or central thesis of the article;

       Explainthe method used to support the claims of the article

o  Statewhether the method is quantitative or qualitative and give a brief explanationof the methodological approach.

o  Statewhat data is collected. (For example: Is it a public opinion poll? An analysisof historical budget data? A forecast of future COVID infections? Anexplanation of congressional voting patterns by ideology?)

       Explainand evaluate the conclusions drawn from the study

o  Assesswhether the conclusions drawn by the articles authors seem sound based on thedata they present.

o  Identifyany weaknesses or oversights of the article.

Your Journal Article Review Assignment shouldbe presented in current Turabian format. It should be at least four pages ofcontent in length, not including your cover page. You do not need to include aworks cited page as the only item you are expected to cite is the article youare reviewing. Instead, begin your first content page with the citation of thesource you are reviewing, presented in current Turabian format.