
Review the guidelines found in Table 1.1 (OD realities and misconceptions) to establish the reasoning for OD interaction. In addition, pay special attention to the criteria for determining the validity of an OD problem. Understanding the process is crucial to becoming a successful OD consultant. Watch the following videos, and , to gain perspective on responsible consulting.

There are many ethical responsibilities within the field of the OD consultant. Suppose that you are just beginning your practice as an external OD consultant and an organization approaches you to help them address an issue or change within their company. Before accepting the job, it is important for you to determine whether the problem is an actual OD issue or an internal matter that is better addressed within.

Explain the process for evaluating an organizational condition to determine if the action required is OD-related. Define the specific criteria for determining the core of the problem and the potential solution.

After assessing the request, there are times that you will find the problem is not an OD concern. Prepare a response to the organization stating why the problem is not OD, why you are not the right person for the job, and what options they might have to remedy their problem.

Once your research is complete, begin preparing your paper. The paper must be four to five pages of content (excluding the cover and reference pages). You must include a minimum of three scholarly, peer-reviewed, or credible sources that provide qualified information related to the role of the OD practitioner. In addition, include the course textbook as a scholarly resource to support theory and concepts related to OD strategy. Remember that Wikipedia is not a qualified resource. Use the document for additional guidance. During the construction of the paper, be specific and refrain from making assumptions. Describe all aspects of the search components listed below.

In your paper,

  • Explain the process to determine the validity of the problem.
  • Define specific criteria for OD consulting.
  • Prepare an appropriate response to the organization regarding their issue.

The Responsible Consulting paper

  • Must be four to five double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references and formatted according to as outlined in the Writing Centers .
  • Must include a separate title with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Students name
    • University of Arizona Global Campus
    • Course name and number
    • Instructors name
    • Date submitted