Peruse Prisoner Reentry: What Works, What Does Not, and What is Promising (Reading 16 – 2nd edition) or Examining the Predictors of Recidivism Among Men and Women Released From Prison in Ohio (Reading 17 – 3rd edition) and Prisoner Reentry in a Small Metropolitan Community: Obstacles and Policy Recommendations (Reading 17 – 2nd edition; Reading 18 – 3rd edition). Use the internet to do your own research on prisoner reentry.

What are your thoughts on the issue? Do you feel that prisoner reentry is important? Do you feel that successful reentry is tied into a lower rate of recidivism?

The link above from the Florida Department of Corrections. It is a tool that allows for the search of reentry resources that are available to local ex-offender populations.
Use the tool and explore the options that are available in three different counties. Discuss your results.

Each discussion board post will be between 200 300 words long. Refer & cite current resources in your answer.