
Self Exploration Paper
Two major goals of this course are to help students develop an understanding of the complex issues and choices confronting college freshmen as they transition to college learning and to provide an opportunity for students to develop skills and expertise that will lead to their academic and personal success, including decision making, academic skills development, communication, and time management. To achieve these goals, you are asked to write a two (2) page essay that explores the following questions:

1. Who you are, where are you coming from (work, school, etc.)?

2. Where do plan on going from here, post-KCC.

3. What obstacles do you have in your life, whether academic or personal that may impact your ability to succeed?

4. How do you think a college education fits into your plan for future success?

Formatting Guidelines

Your essay must be typed, 12-point font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins, in an easily legible typeface such as Times New Roman or Arial. A cover sheet is not necessary, but please include a heading on the first page with your full name, course, and page number on each succeeding page. Please see an example of a heading below:

Jane Smith

Prof. Gary


Self-Exploration Assignment

Means of Assessment

This project comprises 20% of your final grade for the course and will be assessed as follows:


A clear overview of the paper and a thesis statement including main and supporting ideas



The essay is logically structured, coherent, and clearly addresses the essay prompts in a manner that is easy to follow.


Grammar & Sentence Structure

Proper use of grammar, absence of spelling errors, and correct syntax.



A clear summary of the main points and a closing statement