Client Email


The purpose of this assignment is to get you comfortable with making a recommendation to a client. You will do this in the form of an email to your client. Email writing is an important skill in business as it is the primary way you will communicate in your job.

This assignment will help you learn to:
Analyze a target audience, and interpret the makeup of that audience.
Research and analyze a media vehicle
Write a cohesive piece of persuasive communication to convince your client to accept your recommendation on places to reach that audience

In advertising, a recommendation is not a soliloquy on what you believe to be true. It is an in-depth analysis of the topic which results in an informed position by an expert(in this case you). Therefore, writing a recommendation requires a lot of research, the collection of data points that present evidence, and a thoughtful critique that will convince the client that your position is one to which they should agree. In short, this is a piece of persuasive communication built on facts. The most persuasive communication is concise and to the point, one of your challenges will be to determine which facts are the most persuasive and state your case succinctly.