Please watch this autoethnography documentary I wrote, directed, and produced. Critically discuss this film by writing 7 to 10 sentences.  At least one ECO Capstone Learning Object (Equitable Community Engagement, Equitable Teaching & Learning, Equitable Leadership) textual reference is required. When communicating your critical reflection, write in a way that expresses or involves an analysis of the merits and faults of a work of the documentary/podcast. Then discuss with one another each point of view in detail, considering different issues or ideas. A critical discussion is not repeating each others critiques or simply being negative.

ECO Capstone Learning Objectives

Equitable Community Engagement:

Identify the capacities of individuals, organizations, and the community through a strength-based (or asset-based) lens.
Demonstrate knowledge of the historical and cultural perspectives of the community and partner organization with whom you are working.
Articulate organizational and institutional structures that impact equity and diversity outcomes, including the connections between the historical roots of inequitable educational practices and larger society.
Discern and reflect on the impact identity and privilege have on community work, as well as engage in ethical decision-making that considers how individual identity intersects with other identities to impact community work, both within organizations and in larger community settings.
Identify and analyze how individual actions connect with systems change.

Equitable Teaching & Learning:

Demonstrate strong listening and observation skills.
Locate knowledge centers in the community and various levels of power and authority.
Analyze structures and systems of learning in the community context, including documentation, measurement, and assessment of learning in multiple settings.
Differentiate goals and teaching strategies with/for individuals and groups based on needs, skills, and desires.
Identify and analyze how inequities in the larger ecological context contribute to educational inequities.

Equitable Leadership:

Demonstrate knowledge about positionality, privilege, and intersectionality as they relate to societal influence and individual identities.
Articulate how you are able to analyze issues from multiple perspectives and discern the impact of different actions across multiple constituencies.
Contribute to the leadership capacity of someone else.
Initiate and respond to feedback based on professional goals, as well as self-growth in recognizing and reflecting on personal biases.
Articulate your knowledge about equitable leadership practices and provide examples of enacting these practices toward an equitable outcome.