Analysis Paper

A significant body of research has highlighted the power of learning through the use of self for case analysis.  You were assigned to keep a log to note when you experienced conflict, what the issues were, who was involved, what you did, how well it worked, and how you felt in the process.  From this you will pick one issue you wish to analyze throughout the quarter using course concepts.  The selected case should be of substance (not a simple do the dishes situation) and preferably on-going (if not, then recently resolved).  The selected problem must be something explicitly occurring among two or more parties (you being one of the involved parties).  An internal conflict does not qualify. A focus on the latent issue(s) rather than the manifest behavior(s) may facilitate identifying a substantive option.

Each installment (this is #1) should be roughly 4 pages (+/- 1) well proofread, well formatted, 1 inch margins, and Times Roman 12 point font.  A single spaced paper that is well formatted (concise focused paragraphs, good use of headings and white space) can provide a superior presentation.  You might look at the format of these guidelines as a format for outlining your paper.  You might think in terms of each section below being one page long (give or take).

Points will be deducted for excessive misspellings, grammatical errors, poor organization/structure, and formatting issues.

Set up

Briefly state the conflict in terms of the core problems (not positions) involved. This should be the story providing information that takes the reader there –  who, what, timeline, context.  You might have someone in one of your class activity groups review this section to see if you provide adequate information.  You might focus more on the manifest issues here.
In summary, how is the problem currently framed, expressed to uninvolved parties? What is said to be the desired outcome? You might think in terms of  interests/wants (e.g., the car).
How would the other party describe the conflict? Focus on key points, no need to get into the details here, that will come later.

Initial Diagnosis

Describe the interdependence among and interference between you and the other key party or parties. Upon closer examination, is it actual or perceived?
Describe which of the four types of conflict are represented in your conflict. Keep in mind that more than one may be present and different facets may represent different issues.  It is likely that not all 4 are involved.

Focusing in

Having looked deeper, what are the issues? What is the conflict really about the underlying needs (e.g., respect, transportation)?  (Moving from face-to-face to On the table)
How has the situation been dealt with so far? How might you or the other parties have gotten stupid? Have there been areas of progress?
What are your obstacles (fear, skill) to getting an effective agreement?

Economic & Psychological BATNA

What are the priorities here? Using the BATNA model, what is on the line? Again the core needs being addressed.
What are your reservation and aspiration points?
What is in the zone? What are elements that might be used as trade-offs to find a mutually desired agreement? Again, the interests that can be bargained for or away.
What is your current walk away point? Keep in mind this is not the same as your reservation price.
What do you know about their needs, interests, BATNA?
What homework do you now know you need to do?

Power Analysis

Using the Power Grid. Conduct an analysis identifying the types of power available to you. Discuss how you could use the related tactics to improve your negotiation and the optimal outcome.  You might find it useful to create a Power Grid graphic (as we did in class) to condense and illustrate your analysis. This graphic will not be part of the page count.
Now conduct a power analysis for the other(s) in your conflict. Again, you may want to include a graphic.
How might you shift the balance of power (neutralize theirs, enhance yours)? This need not be exhaustive, but enough to show you are giving it appropriate consideration.