Any topic (writer’s choice)

Carey, B. (2019, April 29). In month after 13 Reasons Why debut on Netflix, study finds teen suicide grew. The New York Times. Retrieved from reasons-why-teen-suicide.html

This reflection paper should be a minimum of three (3) full pages in length. The page requirement does not include the title and reference pages.
Writing should be in paragraph form, double-spaced, with one-inch margins on all sides.
Reference the New York Times article using the following format:

1. Summarizethemainideaspresentedinthearticle.
2. Discusssomethingnewthatyoulearned.
3. Statewhetheryouagreeordisagreewiththemainideaspresentedinthearticle,andexplain why you agree or disagree.
4. Discusshowyoumightapplywhatyouvelearnedtoyourownlife.
5. Researchadditionalinformationrelatedtothistopic,andincludeadiscussionofwhatyou found most interesting. Include the link to the source you have chosen.
6. Discussatleastoneidea/questionforfollow-upresearchonthistopic(donotusethefollowup question(s) provided in the articles).