Please type your answers to both parts of the exam in a SINGLE WORD DOCUMENT (doc or docx file) and please DOUBLE-SPACE and use size 12 font! Please also clearly NUMBER your answers (MLA FORMAT). Eac

Please type your answers to both parts of the exam in a SINGLE WORD DOCUMENT (doc or docx file) and please DOUBLE-SPACE and use size 12 font!  Please also clearly NUMBER your answers (MLA FORMAT).

  • Each question will provide a quote from a course reading, and you will be asked to identify its author, and explain what it means IN YOUR OWN WORDS! Some questions will also require you to connect the quote to a film or filmmaker. Your answers should be written in paragraph format (5-7 sentences each). CHECK THE ATTACHED READING AND BELOW LINK FOR READING AS WELL AS CHECK THE ATTACHED  SCREENSHOT FOR REQUIREMENTS 

1. “Ideally, the film hesitates, suggesting character subjectivity, life’s untidiness, and author’s vision.”  Who is the author of this quote? Explain what this quote means in connection to a film from the second half of the course.

2. “A great director has to at least be a good director.” Who is the author of this quote? Explain what this quote means in connection to a filmmaker from the second half of the course. 

3. “The offer, a gesture toward closeness, is read through Aparicio’s reaction as a promise that will remain unfulfilled, something that will never be a priority for her employers.” Who is the author of this quote and which film are they describing? Explain what this quote means in connection to the film.

Links for Reading below check attached reading do not use any outside material (IF ATTACHED FILES ARE NOT VISIBLE CHECK BELOW LINK I SHARED WITH MEDIAFIRE)

Roma: Repatriation vs. Exploitation