1. 8-10 pages in length 2. Must include at least 5 peer reviewed citations within the text and corresponding reference page (these should be used in Application sections) · Summary of ea

1.     8-10 pages in length

2.     Must include at least 5 peer reviewed citations within the text and corresponding reference page (these should be used in Application sections)

·       Summary of each session – what did you observe in the video sessions? What specific behaviors did you notice (in the clients, in the counselor(s), in the interactions between client and counselor)?

·       Application of theory – what specific psychological theory can be applied in order to better understand the client in each video session?

·       Biblical Worldview Integration – How might integration of a bibical worldview be useful in the sessions?

·       Application of Learning – What did you learn from observing these video sessions that will be useful as you move forward in the field and in helping others?