US DEBT CLOCK Step 1: Go to the following site…it puts our debt into perspective Step 2: Take one of the following items on the “clock” and try to explain what it is in


Step 1: Go to the following site…it puts our debt into perspective

Step 2: Take one of the following items on the “clock” and try to explain what it is in your OWN words.

    A. National debt per citizen vs total National debt

    B. Federal Reserve monetary base

    C. US debt held by Foreign countries (External Debt)

    D. US Trade deficit

    E. Debt to GDP ratio

   Do a little digging and compare your chosen topic to what it was 10 years ago and explain why it has changed.

You will be graded on the QUALITY of your answer so do a little digging if you are not sure exactly what the relationship is between the debt and the item you choose to discuss.