The paper is attached!!! The field that is being referred to is based on the paper. For the written portion, you will write on any of the primary articles. I am expecting everyone to turn in a three (

The paper is attached!!! The field that is being referred to is based on the paper.

For the written portion, you will write on any of the primary articles. I am expecting everyone to turn in a three (3) page document that includes the following:

1) A few sentences that explain the current understanding of the field —  concise but information-packed — What do we know?

2) A transition paragraph explaining the gaps in knowledge that remain unanswered — What do we want to know?

3) A section outlining one (1) aim and some proposed experiments that can help answer the field’s questions.

 – An aim is defined as the desired outcome –  What do you want to achieve from your proposed experiments? This could be understanding how a drug interacts with a certain type of cell, or if a certain treatment causes a specific type of damage. We will talk more about this in class tomorrow.

4) Impact statement — why are your proposed experiments important? Will the results of this study save lives/or change the field forever?

5) Citations — APA format! You can use a citation manager for this (I use Microsoft EndNote, but works just as well)

       Think about the language that scientists use when they are writing papers — how do scientists speak about what they’ve done? How do they speak about future experiments? I have attached an example of my old writing so that you have a template to work with. Remember, I’m not expecting you to get a Nobel prize, I just want you to try to write like a scientist. Give it your best effort, and don’t be afraid to ask for help! 🙂

For this portion of the final project, you will be graded based on the following:

  • Content (25 points) – Concise and complete body of work vs “word salad”
  • Grammar (25 points) – Complete sentences, good transitions, no typos
  • Science (25 points) – Are your proposed experiments feasible? Do you understand what the results of your proposed experiments would mean? What would the proposed experiments add to the study?