Communication – social media Minimum 250 words per question 2. Joseph B. Walther (2007) explains that in computer-mediated communication, we often put forth the best version of ourselves; for examp

Communication – social media

Minimum 250 words per question 

2. Joseph B. Walther (2007) explains that in computer-mediated communication, we often put forth the best version of ourselves; for example, we choose the best photographs to post and carefully word captions. We do this in an attempt to manage other people’s impressions of us. This is called selective self-presentation.

Read:  “I Fake It On Facebook”

Answer the following questions.

How do people construct an identity on social media? Provide examples. Is selective self-presentation occurring?

Is it unethical to create a different version of yourself online?  When could it be considered unethical?

6. Read this article:

Choose one of the cases, or find a similar case online, and discuss the ethics involved.  Explain if the person posting on social media was feeling alienation or autonomy.  What would you have done in this situation and why?

7. Social movements are defined as a group of people or organizations that work toward a common goal of social change.  Social movements also go through various stages of development (see

Choose a modern social movement (not BLM) and discuss how the movement has been impacted by social media.  Meaning, how does the social movement use social media tools to benefit their goals?