Hi, there are three questions, all are different from each other. You just need to answer each of them in 3 pages. 1 page each. Also give heading as Question 1, Question 2 & Question 3 Question

Hi, there are three questions, all are different from each other. You just need to answer each of them in 3 pages. 1 page each. Also give heading as Question 1, Question 2 & Question 3

Question 1

Think of an example in your life where human capital was in conflict with non-human capital and describe it. Which had the power advantage in your example, and why?

Question 2

Share an incident from your own life where you, or someone you know, acted with bravery to oppose someone with power. How would you describe the psychological costs and benefits of this bravery?

Question 3

Power relating to social status is premised on a willingness to “participate”; what might constitute criteria for non-participation, and should we think of this as a power instrument?