
You will have space to include complete references for all your sources of information such as websites, databases, and business magazines as the last question of this project. Please include in-text citations for each source of information you use and then include the complete references in the end. Example: Write a sentence with an in-text citation “The growth rate of this industry is 10% per year (Smith, 2018)” and then in the References at the end you include the complete reference “Smith, J. 2018. Harvard Business Review, issue 3, page 50”.


Please answer the following questions for the article below:




Article 1: O’Toole James. (2019). The prospects for enlightened corporate leadership. California Management Review, 61(3), 72-92.


  1. Explain the main arguments in the article (suggested length: 200 to 250 words)


  1. Express your own values addressing the article’s main arguments (suggested length: 200 to 250 words)


Example: Provide your explanation in your own words without quoting the article. Include examples from your personal and professional experience. Describe examples of different companies that may illustrate your points.




Please answer the following questions for the article below:


Article 2: Malone, T. W. (2018). How human-computer ‘superminds’ are redefining the future of work. MIT Sloan Management Review, 59(4), 34-41.


  1. Explain the main arguments in the article (suggested length: 200 to 250 words)


  1. Express your own values addressing the article’s main arguments (suggested length: 200 to 250 words)


Example: Provide your explanation in your own words without quoting the article. Include examples from your personal and professional experience. Describe examples of different companies that may illustrate your points.




Please answer the following questions for the article below:


Article 3: Ming-Hui, H., Rust, R., & Vojislav, M. (2019). The feeling economy: Managing in the next generation of artificial intelligence (AI). California Management Review, 61(4), 43-65.


  1. Explain the main arguments in the article (suggested length: 200 to 250 words)


  1. Express your own values addressing the article’s main arguments (suggested length: 200 to 250 words)


Example: Provide your explanation in your own words without quoting the article. Include examples from your personal and professional experience. Describe examples of different companies that may illustrate your points.

Please answer the following questions for the article below:




Article 4: Aldy, J. E., & Gianfrate, G. (2019). Future-proof your climate strategy: Smart companies are putting their own price on carbon. Harvard Business Review, 97(3), 86-97.


  1. Explain the main arguments in the article (suggested length: 200 to 250 words)


  1. Express your own values addressing the article’s main arguments (suggested length: 200 to 250 words)


Example: Provide your explanation in your own words without quoting the article. Include examples from your personal and professional experience. Describe examples of different companies that may illustrate your points.

Please answer the following questions for the article below:




Article 5: Aragon-Correa, J. A., Marcus, A., & Vogel, D. (2020). The effects of mandatory and voluntary regulatory pressures on firms’ environmental strategies: A review and recommendations for future research. Academy of Management Annals, 14(1),


  1. Explain the main arguments in the article (suggested length: 200 to 250 words)


  1. Express your own values addressing the article’s main arguments (suggested length: 200 to 250 words)


Example: Provide your explanation in your own words without quoting the article. Include examples from your personal and professional experience. Describe examples of different companies that may illustrate your points.

Please answer the following questions for the article below:




Article 6: Amis, J. M., Mair, J., & Munir, K. (2020). The organizational reproduction of inequality. Academy of Management Annals, 14(1),


  1. Explain the main arguments in the article (suggested length: 200 to 250 words)


  1. Express your own values addressing the article’s main arguments (suggested length: 200 to 250 words)


Example: Provide your explanation in your own words without quoting the article. Include examples from your personal and professional experience. Describe examples of different companies that may illustrate your points.





Please answer the following questions for the article below:


  1. Select one of the six articles with strongest insights based on discussion with your team and justify the selection. All team members should refer to the same selected article in this answer. Once the article is selected by the team, each student should provide his/her own individual answers to justify the selection of this article (suggested length: 200 to 250 words)


  1. Explain the connections of the team’s selected article to topics in the course. Each student should provide his/her own individual answers about the connections of this article to the course topics based on his/her personal viewpoints (suggested length: 200 to 250 words)






For A-level grade, please review the Assignment Grading Rubric.


The last paragraph of the assignment contains at least 3 sentences with:

(a) 1 SDG number and name *

(b) “How can business practices related to this assignment contribute to this SDG?”


* The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are: 1: No Poverty, 2: Zero Hunger, 3: Good Health and Well-being, 4: Quality Education, 5: Gender Equality, 6: Clean Water and Sanitation, 7: Affordable and Clean Energy, 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, 10: Reduced Inequality, 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, 13: Climate Action, 14: Life Below Water, 15: Life on Land, 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions, 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal (



Please include complete references for all sources of information (such as websites, databases, articles, and books) — other than the assigned articles — that you used to write your project.