Philosophy Of Nursing

Personal Philosophy of Nursing


This information is also found in the Student Handbook.

Develop a personal philosophy focusing on the central concerns of nursing. The fundamental elements are to be included; others may be chosen if desired. Use at least two references to support your point of view. One reference must be research based from a nursing journal.

A philosophy of nursing is by its very nature, a very individualized, personal statement based on subjective life experiences and adoption of particular world views. As such, the grading of this project will rest solely on the “depth and breadth” of the philosophical inquiry guided by the questions. Total points possible for this project are 15. This is not a simple exercise. Put thought into this. It is your personal philosophy of nursing. Please answer the questions below:

Personal Knowing 1. Examine your personal beliefs and baccalaureate nursing education.

(Write an overall introduction of your personal beliefs about being a baccalaureate prepared nurse).

Ontological Questioning 2. To develop a personal philosophy of nursing: one must focus on the central concerns of the discipline. This would include, for example, the nature of human beings and the life process. From the perspective of nursing, attempt to answer the following questions which reflect the fundamental elements of nursing and any others you may choose to incorporate:

  1. What is society – of whom is it composed, and what is the nature of the relationships among its constituents including self in the role of the nurse? Where do you, as a professional nurse, fit into the picture and landscape of community?
    b. What are your central beliefs about the individual person, and that individual’s potential? The individual’s ability to learn, change, and heal? The family? The community? Your role as a professional nurse in these processes and relationships?
    c. What constitutes the environment? How do human beings and the environment interact? What contextual importance does it have for the focus of the discipline of nursing.
    d. What is your view(s) of health? Is it a continuum? A unidirectional phenomenon? A state? A process? Achieved/maintained alone or in unison with others?
    e. How do illness and wellness relate to health?
    f. What is the central reason for the existence of nursing and your calling to it?
    g. Who is the recipient of your nursing call?
    h. How does self-discovery and knowledge development occur in nurse-client relationships.

    Empirical Knowing 3. From the perspective of a philosopher’s concern with knowledge, Epistemological attempt to answer the following questions that reflect the Questioning essential elements of the scientific discipline of nursing:
    a. What do you believe is the nursing process?
    b. From what cognitive base does the professional nurse operate? Critical thinking? Problem-solving methodology?
    c. How do you implement the nursing process as you define it? What is necessary in the application of knowledge?
    d. How is the theory base for nursing derived?
    e. What is the theoretical framework for the profession? Is there room for diversity of thought, or is unity conceptual?

    Ethical and Esthetic 4. From the philosopher’s concern with ethics and esthetics, attempt Knowing to answer the following questions reflecting the valuation elements of nursing:

  2. What are the essential rights and responsibilities of the professional nurse?
    b. What are the essential rights and responsibilities of the recipient of nursing care?
    c. How do your beliefs about nursing guide the research, education, administration and practice components of your role as a professional nurse?
    d. What are the governing ethical principles in the delivery of nursing care and the conduct of nursing research?
    e. What are your beliefs about the educational requirements and the focus of education for the practice of the profession?
    f. What are your beliefs about the teaching-learning process?
    g. What do you believe is needed for your continued development of esthetic knowing or responsiveness in nurse-client interactions?




















Criteria 3 2 1 0
Personal Knowing Personal philosophy of nursing written from a generalist nurse perspective Written from a specialty nurse perspective Vague references to nursing Paper does not address nursing
Ontological Questioning Includes all questions and provides an in-depth reflection of self Includes all questions but there is no in-depth reflection of self Not all questions answered Does not include
Empirical Knowing Includes all questions and provides an in-depth reflection of self Includes all questions but there is no in-depth reflection of self Not all questions answered Does not include
Ethical and Esthetic Knowing Includes all questions and provides an in-dept reflection of self Includes all questions but there is no –in-depth reflection of self Not all questions answered Does not include
APA 0 mistakes 1 -2 mistakes 3-4 mistakes More than 4 mistakes



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