Writing Assistance

Paper 2: Short Research Paper:


Learning Outcome #2: Can discuss the relevance of principles, data and practice presented in the Friday Forum to own activities or within a specified hypothetical context


Paper 2 Assignment (Short Research Paper): Apply the information from the Forum to your own work experience and environment, if appropriate. If the information is not relevant to a current or past work situation, apply the information to hypothetical situations facing professionals, which could include research related to a topic raised by the speaker.


Paper 2 Short Research Paper Checklist:


  • Use at least three references from peer reviewed professional journals in addition to the Forum presentation.
  • Use APA format in citing references in the body of your paper and at the end of your paper on a References page.  Other aspects of APA formatting such as running heads, inclusion of an abstract, etc. are not applicable to this paper.
  • Only references referred to in your paper should be on your References page.
  • Your Short Research Paper should be at least 4-6 pages in length, typed double-spaced, excluding a cover sheet (if you use one) and the Reference page at the end.
  • When writing your paper, avoid phrases such as “I think,” “I feel,” or “I believe.”