Philosophy W8 Minimum 300 Words

Nick is a very unique human being. Nick was born with the superhuman gift of absolute power – he can do anything. The leaders of the world have sought out Nick’s help to decide once and for all what is right and wrong. So, Nick gets to work creating moral laws that will apply to all – whatever he comes up with must be followed by everyone.

First, Nick decides that torturing puppies for fun is wrong, anywhere at anytime. Juliette, a philosophy student at Ballard State University, sees some problems with this though. Juliette believes that torturing puppies cannot be objectively wrong based on whatever Nick thinks is right or wrong. However, Juliette recognizes that Nick is all-powerful so there can’t be any morally objective laws that don’t come directly from Nick’s own decisions about morality (that is, there can’t be any objective moral laws independent of Nick).

What do you think? Is what Nick decides is right and wrong actually right or wrong? Is torturing puppies for fun wrong independently of whatever Nick thinks and decides about it, or is it wrong just because Nick thinks and decides it’s wrong?