Discussion for Connection Between Farming, Trade and the Rise of Civilization
As we have learned in this unit, civilizations were made possible because of improvements in farming. For this assignment, your task is to:
- Answer the question provided below. Write a one paragraph response that explains how farming and trade helped civilizations evolve.
- Evaluate the viewpoints of other students in a discussion post.
Question: How did improvements in farming lead to the growth of civilizations? What were TWO of those improvements and how did they affect growth?
- Review the lessons and videos in this unit that discuss the improvements in farming and the types of growth. You may consider any of the following:
Types of Growth:
Feel free to use the following websites to supplement the information in this unit:
- History of Agriculture – Food Production(read the section “Dawn of Civilizations.”)
- Early Agriculture And The Rise Of Civilization. (start reading at section “Impact.”)
- Write a one paragraph response (5-7sentences) to the following question: How did improvements in farming lead to the growth of civilizations? What were TWO of those improvements and how did they affect growth?
- You are required to use evidence from your source in your response and you must also identify the source that you used.
- If you need help writing, please consider using the format provided here: PDF: Example Format.or MS Word: Example Format.