
cultural backgrounds.
them on others.
spoken English in the United States.
abbreviation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Pansexual, Transgender,
Genderqueer, Queer, Intersex, Agender, Asexual, and
Ally community).
result in a negative impact on others.
privilege and/or marginalization.
across culture or families.
makers for services and support.
same-gender parents; grandparents as caretakers;
non-binary family members, close friends, and loved ones).
disorder and a communication difference.
the decision to seek intervention.
of English.
I understand that the use of a foreign accent or limited English skill
is not a reflection of:
I understand how culture can affect child-rearing practices such
as the following:
the future
I understand the impact of culture on:
or traditions
medical treatment
I understand how cultural norms may influence social
communication in many ways, including:
to questions
value of play
This tool was developed to heighten your awareness of how you view the influence of cultural and linguistic
factors. NOTE: There is no answer key; however, you should regularly review and reflect upon areas that you rated as 3, 4, or 5.
Ratings: 1 : Strongly Agree 2 : Agree 3 : Unsure 4 : Disagree 5 : Strongly Disagree
Although several sources were consulted in the development of this checklist, the
following document inspired its design: Goode, T. D. (2002). Promoting cultural
and linguistic competence self-assessment checklist for personnel providing
services and supports in early intervention and childhood settings (Rev. ed.).
National Center for Cultural Competence, Georgetown University Center
for Child and Human Development, University Center for Excellence in
Developmental Disabilities Education, Research & Service.
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2021). Cultural competence
check-in: Self-reflection.
Copyright 2021 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. All rights reserved.
__1_ I am aware of and acknowledge the influence of others’
_1__ I am aware of my beliefs and value systems and do not impose
__1_ I believe that it is acceptable to use a language other than
_2__ I accept all levels of acculturation into the dominant culture.
_1__ I am inclusive of individuals who are LGBTQIA+ (the common
_1__ I know how to use pronouns that reflect all genders—binary and
_1__ I know that not all genders align with sex assigned at birth.
_1__ I take responsibility for my comments or behavior that may
_1__ I recognize that not all groups experience equal degrees of
_2__ I am driven to respond to others’ insensitive comments or be-
_1__ I do not knowingly participate in insensitive comments or behav-
__2_ I am aware that the roles of family members may differ within or
_3__ I recognize family members and other designees as decision
__2_ I am inclusive of all family structures (e.g., divorced parents;
__1_ I understand the difference between a communication
__1_ I understand that views of the aging process may influence
_3__ I understand that there are several American English
__4_ I recognize that all English speakers use at least one dialect
_1__ Reduced intellectual capacity
__2_ The ability to communicate clearly and effectively
_1__ Discipline
__1_ Dressing
__2_ Toileting
__2_ Feeding
_3__ Self-help skills
__3_ Expectations for
_2__ Communication
_2__ Access to health care
_1__ Education
_2__ Family roles
_2__ Religion/faith-based
__1_ Gender roles
__3_ Alternative medicine
__1_ Customs, practices,
_3__ Perception of time
__3_ Use of AAC
_2__ Views on wellness
_2__ Views on (dis)ability
__1_ The value of Western
_1__ Employment
__1_ Eye contact
__1_ Interpersonal space
__1_ Use of gestures
_3__ Comfort with silence
__1_ Turn-taking
__1_ Topics of conversation
_2__ Asking and responding
_1__ Greetings
_1__ Interruptions
_1__ Use of humor
__1_ Decision-making roles
_2__ Directness
_1__ Play, including the