Title Of The Film: Selma


Title of the Film: Selma


consider a film that depicts history. You might discuss how the film was accurate in the depiction of the history it portrays, why the film might have been made when it was made, what the film’s message is, or how the film might relate to you or to a modern audience.

Your analysis should use the principles of rhetorical analysis (Chapter 6) and structuring assignments effectively (Chapter 7), and must have a minimum of two outside sources that can help the reader understand the historical perspective of the film.

TITLE PAGE. The title page is separate from the body of the paper and uses APA 7 format. Use the templates provided in the APA Resources – 7th Edition course module. Notice that your bold lettered title on this page also appears at the top of the first page.

PARAGRAPH ONE (“THE INTRODUCTION”). In the first sentence, give the reader a reason for wanting to read your analysis. That is called a hook because it hooks your reader’s attention. In the rest of the paragraph, use one of your sources to supply historical background about the events the film depicts without naming the film. End the paragraph with a thesis (a position statement) that announces to the reader what the film is and what the film wants the viewer to believe about the events.

PARAGRAPH TWO. Supply a brief overview of the film and how it handles the events described in your introduction.

PARAGRAPH THREE. Explain why the film was made when it was. Was there something going on at the time that made the film relevant, even important? Maybe the film is spurring the viewer to think differently or to act with some particular purpose. Here is a good point to use your second source.

PARAGRAPH FOUR. Explain whether the film accurately portrays the era to make its point.

  • Does it get the facts straight?
  • Does it make some details seem bigger than they might have been?
  • Does it manipulate emotions?

Discuss the impact that the film has on the viewer now. This is a good place to discuss the film’s pathos (how it tries to evoke the viewer’s emotions) and ethos (how the film establishes itself as being reliable and trustworthy and gets us on its side or on the side of the characters).

PARAGRAPH FIVE (“THE CONCLUSION”). Like any conclusion, this one begins with stating the big point that you want your reader to remember. Then remind them of the most important points you made that support your idea. End with something that will clinch your argument and hold it in your reader’s mind. One way is to end with a call to action. Knowing what you have told the reader, should they watch the film, for instance? If you DO or DO NOT recommend the film, make sure you give a reason with a strong connection with what you have written in your analysis.

REFERENCE PAGE. Supply full bibliographical entries for the film and the two sources. Put these in alphabetical order (you do that so the reader can find them easily) and use hanging paragraphs (again to make it easy for readers to find the source you refer to in the body of your paper).

Paper requirements:

  • Five paragraphs with a good thesis statement that takes a stand, strong topic sentences, at least 1 in-text citation from each source (two are required), and a conclusion that summarizes the major points you made.
  • Minimum of 500 words (about two pages), not including title page and reference page.
  • APA 7 format, including title page and reference page, double-spaced throughout, 12 pt. Times New Roman font. Use the APA template found in the APA Resources – 7th Edition module of this course.
  • Do not use the first or second person in your writing (no “I” or “we” and no “you”). Focus on the film and when you speak about its emotional power, write about its effect on the viewer, not on you. Assume that you are speaking for what any viewer would feel.
  • Formal/professional language only.Do not use contractions, slang, or vague language. Assume you are writing this for a college-educated reader.