Case Study

Tesla Stock forecasting feature analysis
Austin Li (jl3273), Lang Lei (ll674), Shichen Qi (sq89)
1. Introduction
In the modern quantitative research industry,
innovation and the use of previously
neglected data sources are what push the
industry forward. Apart from traditional
methods of stock price forecasting, which
heavily associate with time series analysis,
we’d like to explore ways of effectively
performing such analysis and predictions
without regarding the time series
properties(moving average etc.) In this
project, we investigate the influence of
external factors as additional features to
traditional forecasting models, comparing
the performance of any combination of them
as well. For instance, we will operate the
sentiment analysis of Elon Musk’s Twitter to
see if it fluctuates Tesla’s closing price..
State-of-the-art forecasting techniques such
as recurrent networks and deep learning are
referenced and modified in this project so
that it is technically relevant in 2021.
2. Dataset
2.1 Dataset Description
In order to analyze the relationship between
Elon Musk’s Twitter content and Tesla
stocking price, we subtracted Elon Musk’s
Twitter data from the Twitter API, as well as
stock pricing data of Tesla and its main
competitors (Volkswagen, General Motors
and Ford) from Yahoo Finance.
Competitors Stock Price dataset:
In this dataset, we collect three of Tesla’s
major competitors (Volkswagen, General
Motors and Ford) open and close stock
prices from Jan 1, 2019 to Sep 31, 2021.
Tesla Stock Price dataset:
In this dataset, we collect Tesla’s open and
close stock prices from Jan 1, 2019 to Sep
31, 2021 shown below.
To get a better understanding of the
relationship between each brand, we
combined two datasets and utilized two line
graphs to show the change of stock price
from 2019 to 2021 shown below.
It is noticeable that the trend of General
Motors looks more similar to the trend of
Tesla, implying that principal component
analysis may be conducted in the future
topic of interest. Additionally, we add stock
price difference columns for each brand to
get more features to our model. One of the
benefits by doing so is that we can easily tell
the relationship of the stock price for the
same brand.
Twitter dataset:
We extracted the content of Musk’s Twitter
from Sep 31, 2020 to Sep 31, 2021 using
Twitter API.
2.2 Feature Engineering
Twitter dataset:
1) Cleaning:
The main datasets that we extracted from the
internet are Twitter. For the Twitter dataset,
we used the regular expression to delete the
user name (for instance, “@xxx”), the image
url and the reference url, and then collected
all the content in the same format. There
would be multiple tweets per day, but we
only need one measurement connected to
each day. Thus, we decided to aggregate the
tweets of the same day, and then conduct the
sentimental analysis.
2) Sentiment Analysis:
We imported Textblob to implement the
sentiment analysis and plot with the
information of Tesla stock going up or
It is shown from the graph above that if Elon
Musk’s tweets have positive attitude or tone,
the scatter points are above zero while if
they are negative, scatter points are below
zero. Points lying on the horizontal line of
zero represent the neutral tone. For the stock
price, green points mean price going up
while red points represent price going down.
We also performed the sentiment analysis of
Musk’s tweets and Tesla stock price with
one day delay.
The graph shown above illustrates that if
Elon Musk’s tweets one day before have
some influence on the second-day stock
price. It is noticeable that both graphs show
some trend between tones and stock price,
which is reasonable to conduct random
forest in our model.
3. Model
3.1 Avoid overfitting
In order to find the best degree in different
polynomial transformations, we compared
the different performances according to the
Mean Square Error (MSE). We used
PolynomialFeatures from sklearn to
construct the transformations with different
exponents. Since the function generates all
polynomial and interaction features
including all polynomial combinations of
the features with degrees less than or equal
to the given degree, the number of features
increases exponentially which means it is
easy to cause overfitting. Therefore, we tried
1, 2, 3 as the given degree and compared the
loss values. The data were divided into
training and testing sets and calculated the
MSE separately.
From the plot, when the degree increases
from 1 to 3, the MSE of training sets
decreases, while the MSEs of testing sets
decrease and then increase, which means the
model starts to be overfitting when the
degree is larger than 2.
3.2 Model Performance Analysis
3.2.1 logistic regression
In the first part, we used the all the history
stock prices, including both Tesla and other
stocks, to predict the stock price of Tesla.
From the plot below, we can see that the
prediction and true data are almost identical
and fit the linear regression model.
In the second part, we excluded Tesla from
the data set and only used other stocks to
predict the stock price of Tesla. According
to the plot below, much more outliers are
apart from the linear regression line. This is
a reasonable result since our prediction only
depends on the market performance without
Tesla itself, which might cause larger error
from the actual price.
Lastly, we still used the historical stock
prices excluding Tesla as our data set. This
time we tested the performance of the
polynomial transformation of degree 2, since
in the previous Avoiding overfitting part we
found 2 is the best degree in the model.
Specifically, less outliers are presented in
the plot, which means the polynomial
transformation model fits the data set better
than the linear regression.
3.3.2 Neural Network
After we did the feature engineering for the
twitter dataset in the data processing part,
we found out that there is a correlation
between price and tweets tone. In the last
models, we predicted the stock price with a
polynomial transformation model and
decreased the number of outliers to the
actual price. Therefore, we decided to find
the deep underlying relationships between
the price trend and other factors. We used
stock prices of the three competitors (GM, F,
VWAGY), the sentiment scores and the
Tesla’s trend (True or False) the day before
as predictors to predict the price trend the
next day.
The code chunk shown above expresses the
definition of the architecture of our neural
network as well as its forward function. In
the training step, we used 100 epochs and a
constant learning rate of 1*10^-4 without
learning rate decay. The loss values were
calculated with a binary cross entropy loss
function because our output is binary.
This accuracy, though below 0.5, has been
the best we could obtain from modifying the
However, we aimed to get a better
prediction of our analysis. Thus, we decided
to get rid of several inputs and change to a
new model to see if it can improve the
3.3.3 Random Forest
In the previous feature engineering part, we
conducted sentiment analysis of Elon
Musk’s tweets with the performance of Tesla
stock price on the same day. The
visualization suggests that there is a
correlation between two variables.
So for the third model, we are interested in
using a random forest model to separate the
tweets that potentially have positive
influence on the market and otherwise.
Compared with the traditional time series
model, the feature of this random forest
model is to see the connection between price
and content of Musk’s tweets. We can only
tell if the price is going up or down based on
Elon Musk tweets. For this model, we both
calculated the accuracy of the same-day
input and the one-day delay input response.
They are around 0.655 and 0.431 separately,
which means for the same-day model, about
65.6% of the predictions are correct while
for the one-day delay model only 43.1
percent of price trend predictions are
The graph presented above shows the
accuracy for the random forest model of
the same-day input. Red scatter points
represent the right prediction while black
points show the wrong prediction.
4. Conclusion
It is obvious that the history stock price data
set containing Tesla predicts the stock price
best. If we exclude Tesla, the polynomial
transaction model with degree of 2 improves
the prediction compared to the linear logistic
model. Then we calculated the accuracy of
predicting price trends with different
models. In the next model, we used 3
competitors’ price, sentiment scores and
Tesla price to predict the price trend, but the
accuracy is lower than 0.5 which is
meaningless. So we decided to reduce inputs
and the random forest model proves to be
effective. The accuracy increases from 0.431
to 0.655. Though our training set is small
and it produces higher variance in the
prediction, the model still shows a
correlation between the price and Twitter
4.1 Weapon of Math Destruction
In the logistic regression model, our output
is the predicted stock price based on
different stock combinations. Thus, the
outputs are floats that are easy to measure.
In the neural network model, we calculated
if the Tesla price will go up or down and
classified it as True and False. These binary
outputs are also measurable. The output of
the random forest is the same as the previous
one.In all, all our response variables can be
measured quantitatively.
Our models use the stock prices and Twitter
from Musk to predict Tesla’s stock price and
if the price will go up or not. All the
resources and references are open to the
public which means people are free to use
them to build their own models and predict
the prices. Thus, our model will not harm
Finally, since we only used history stock
prices and Twitter content to predict the
price, it will not create a feedback loop since
we do not use predicted values as our
In conclusion, our project might not produce
a Weapon of Math Destruction.
4.2 Fairness
Our team do not think fairness is very
important to our models. We used all the
stock prices and relevant Twitter
information as our data set, so there is no
discrimination and bias in the data set. Also
since we try to predict Tesla’s stock price, a
small error to actual price is acceptable since
a company will never invest in a single stock
and a portfolio can also decrease the risk.
Finally, predicting stock price will not affect
legal status. Thus, fairness is not an
important factor in the models.
5. Limitation and future improvements
5.1 Limitation
The largest limitation is lack of data. The
first limitation is due to API. We are only
allowed to extract one year of Twitter data
and this insufficient data will increase
variance and cause bias. Also we can only
get the content of tweets and there is no
number of likes and repos, which might also
influence the prediction. Moreover, we
planned to add the information of successful
launch in SpaceX as our feature, but it was
hard to get from the website. Finally, we
only got open and close prices from the
stock information, but there’s insufficient
information about the stock, such as volume,
market capital, high and low prices.
5.2 Improvement
We can also use positive and negative news
on Tesla correlated company to make
important database and stock performance to
better predict the stock price.
6. Appendix
1. SG:pub.10.1007/978-1-4614-9372-3
– springer nature scigraph. (n.d.).
Retrieved December 5, 2021, from
2. Sentiment analysis of Twitter data –
ACL member portal. (n.d.).
Retrieved December 5, 2021, from
3. Pedregosa, F., Varoquaux, G.,
Gramfort, A., Michel, V., Thirion,
B., Grisel, O., Blondel, M., Müller,
A., Nothman, J., Louppe, G.,
Prettenhofer, P., Weiss, R., Dubourg,
V., Vanderplas, J., Passos, A.,
Cournapeau, D., Brucher, M., Perrot,
M., & Duchesnay, É. (2018, June 5).
Scikit-Learn: Machine learning in
Python. Retrieved
December 5, 2021, from
4. Pedregosa, F., Varoquaux, G.,
Gramfort, A., Michel, V., Thirion,
B., Grisel, O., Blondel, M., Müller,
A., Nothman, J., Louppe, G.,
Prettenhofer, P., Weiss, R., Dubourg,
V., Vanderplas, J., Passos, A.,
Cournapeau, D., Brucher, M., Perrot,
M., & Duchesnay, É. (2018, June 5).
Scikit-Learn: Machine learning in
Python. Retrieved
December 5, 2021, from