Discussion: Sharing Your Data Story

Visualizations act as a campfire around which we gather to tell stories.

—Al Shalloway, Founder and CEO of Net Objectives

If you had to describe Connor Street’s program quality to a colleague, what would you say? Furthermore, if you had the chance to present these numbers to Sabrina, the first-year teacher at Connor Street, how would you connect her prior understanding, interests, and needs to the major findings and insights gathered from the data?

In this Discussion, you and your colleagues gather around the Discussion Board to tell Connor Street’s story. You also draw comparisons between each group’s understanding and implementation of evaluation data.


To prepare

Identify the group member who will post your presentation to the Discussion Board.


By Day 5 of Week 10

One group member posts the presentation with an explanation of the stakeholder group(s) to which the presentation is aimed.

Review presentations posted by a colleague from each group.

Reflect upon the quality of the program using data from all presentations. Note data stories told by each group.


By Day 3 of Week 11

Respond to each and every presentation in the following ways:

  • Describe the quality of the program, using data from each of the presentations.
  • Explain which program improvements might be the most important and why.
  • Explain which data stories are in direct contrast with each other and why.
  • Explain which data stories are similar and why.
  • Identify personal learning as a result of collegial interaction

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