Media, Poverty, And Inequality Soci

Final Paper- Media, Poverty, and Inequality
If you are a graduating senior, you need to submit your paper by 10pm on Tuesday May 3rd.
Everyone not graduating this semester, the paper is due May 5th by 7:30pm.
Text should be in 12-point Arial font and double spaced. Please use 1-inch margins Use ASA citation style
for any in-text citations and your Works Cited page. Purdue OWL is a helpful resource for ASA citations
and formatting. Google it and the link for citations should be the first or second listed. There must be a
works cited page if you use any sources, including class readings. You do not need a title page or
abstract, just the paper itself.
Pulling it All Together: Moonlight and Media Representation
Using the movie Moonlight, analyze the representations of three of the following intersections in media:
1. race and ethnicity
2. social class
3. gender and gender roles, and/or
4. sexuality
You do not need to address all four, just select three of the intersections to write about for your paper.
Please address the following in your paper:
1. For each of the three intersections selected, you should use the readings and any other course
materials (including other movies/TV shows if you like) to discuss:
a. how the intersection is represented in Moonlight
b. if the representation seems typical for media representations of the selected
c. if you think the representation presented in Moonlight was authentic or accurate
2. Based on what we have learned this semester and your analysis of Moonlight:
a. Why should we be concerned with media representations?
b. Is Moonlight a Good movie (with a capital G)- something that goes beyond
entertainment and becomes something culturally important?
(We all know I love the movie, but you do not have to agree with me here. I am not
grading you on your opinion, I am grading you on your analysis and how well you back
up your assertions)
i. if yes, defend your opinion. Why do you think it counts as a Good movie?
ii. if no, defend your opinion- was there something else we watched that you feel is
a better example of a Good movie? Something you have seen outside of class?
You do not need to address the questions in order, but for this paper it may be useful to do so. You do
not need to use outside sources, but they may be helpful to your analysis. There is not a page limit or
word count requirement.