
Creating Historical Newspaper

American History

Date:  Due date is May 9, 2022

Performance Task: Creating newspaper on your favorite chapter or section covered this semester in American History. You will be conducting research, analyzing data, demonstrating learning competences, and critical thinking skills.

Task: Create a newspaper on your favorite chapter or section(s)

  1. Find a copy of an old newspaper or google an example from online. See above example.
  2. Create a name for the newspaper using the information from the chapters we discussed this semester for example: World Times
  3. Topic of the chapter: Chapter 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, …….
  4. Include information such as the issue, date, volume etc.
  5. Create a catchy headline, the HEADLINE is the bold dark wording on the top of the newspaper. See example above.
  6. Write two (2) articles. Article 1: choose a topic and write an article about the section or chapter of your choice.  Explain your reason for choosing the chapter or section… what peaked your interest etc. Do the same for the second article.
  7. Do NOT copy and paste the information from the internet or the textbook, read and summarize the information before writing/ typing the articles on the newspaper.
  8. Reflection: Write an article on your experience this semester of virtual learning. Remember it was our experience.
  9. Creativity is yours: You may add a puzzle, quote, advertisement, pictures ……remember to create using information you covered in class this semester.
  10. If you are an artist and would like to draw your newspaper, you may create an art piece.
  11. The newspaper is your final exam; Presentation is a requirement.
  12. The due date is May 9, 2022, before your class period. The assignment is due on Schoology.

Topics / Chapters: Red book (The Americans) or the online textbook (American History)

America Claim an Empire

The First World War

Politics of the Roaring Twenties

The Roaring Life of the 1920s

World War Looms

The Great Depression

The United States in World War II