
 reflecting on the experience with employment in a U.S. healthcare organization. The paper should contain the following components:

Introduction: Introduce yourself in a fun and interesting way, why you applied to take the course

(include why you are interested in nursing/health career), and review your learning outcomes (i.e. what

did you hope to learn).

Background: Provide information on how and why you selected the healthcare employer for your

experience. Describe the facility, the hours you worked, your work duties, and the health care team

with which you worked.

Employment Experience: Describe your experience in the health care environment providing basic

nursing and personal care. What did you learn? What was the hardest part about the

employment? What would you do differently?

As a provider of safe patient care, describe how you protected patient safety.

If you obtained your Certified Nursing Assistant with the employer, describe that process and

what you learned.

Reflection: Reflect on the entire experience…how has this experience changed you? What

would you do differently?