ENC-1102 Discussion

This is a graded discussion: 100 points possible
due May 17
Discussion: What is Text? 3 6
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For this week’s discussion, write your own definition of “text” and explain
what does and does not qualify as text worthy of study. You must support
your definition with at least 1 source properly cited using MLA format at the
end of the post. (Sometimes Canvas does have formatting issues, so I will
not look at the margins and indents. I will focus on the content of the
citation to make sure it has all the required components in the correct
Your response must be a minimum of 200 words. Please put your response
directly into your discussion reply so that fellow students can easily read it
without needing to open an attachment.
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Breanna Beck (https://canvas.fscj.edu/courses/56268/users/115445)
May 3, 2022
” Reply
Text is by basic definition something used to provide messages and
meaning to the receiver. This comes in many forms such as textbooks,
journal articles, or short films. There is formal and informal text. An
example of formal text is articles from online databases. Informal texts
involve things such as personal blogs. The text does not have to be
written word. Educational short films and videos are some other types of
text. They sometimes portray the message better than the written word
by pairing it with visual clues and images.
While there are tons of texts that qualify worthy of study, there are also
tons that do not. Texts that are not good for study would be written with a
biased based on the writer’s thoughts and opinions. An example of this
type would be entries written on someone’s social media page. They
could be in either written form or multimedia like video or pictures. Texts
that are good for study report data and have evidence that backs up the
facts being expressed.
Most of the time for a text to count as being worthy of study it has to
report the significance of the information minus any personal viewpoints
and opinions of the author.
Babin, Monique, et al. The Word on College Reading and Writing. Open
Oregon Educational Resources, 2018.

Ryan Anderson (https://canvas.fscj.edu/courses/56268/users/86730)
Text are words that are written, printed or spoken. Text can be as
complex as a legal document or as simple as words on the back of a
cereal box. These are both examples of formal and informal text. With
formal text, such as business reports and academic books, the writer
would use a more professional tone and use much more care than
informal text. With informal text, such as a letter to a friend, a blog about
a passion or even a diary entry, the writer would communicate in a more
personal tone. The writer may also use slang, abbreviations or even
speak to the reader directly using the second person, such as you and
your with informal text. Jaron Lanier claims that informal text, such as a
blog is not worthy of study, but I disagree. There is a time and place for
both formal and informal text in our lives. The important thing to
understand is your audience when you are trying to decide which type of
text to use. The matter of importance really has to do with the reader. For
a law student who is needing to research a topic for a paper on
immigration laws, formal text will be important to study. Yet, for a person
who is googling how to change a flat tire when they are stuck on the side
of the road, the text is just as important to study and learn. In conclusion,
formal and informal text are both important in our daily lives.
“Formal and Informal Writing Styles.” Skills you Need.
Accessed 5 May 2022.

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Elizabeth Nesbitt (https://canvas.fscj.edu/courses/56268/users/116442)

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Defining text can vary from person to person or even by the internet.
However, to me, it can be seen as a passage or piece of writing. This
includes but is not limited to, articles, books, captions, cliff notes, or any
kind of organized writing. When consuming these texts, it is important to
understand which forms of it are reputable and worthy of study.
One easy way to determine if a text is of high caliber is if the website the
text is in is peer-reviewed, up to date, or written by credible authors
(Chris Drew). Because these types of sources are required to state facts
and/ or back their information, it is safe to study or cite texts from these
sources. Furthermore, it ensures that the texts being read are coming
from a reputable source with notoriety. In retrospect, to determine if a
text is unworthy of study is by its length and the type of website it comes
from. As mentioned before texts can be considered as captions or cliff
notes and can be used for brief descriptions and summaries. Considering
this, it does not always allow for all the information to be given and
leaves room for opinion and ambiguity. Moreover, this wouldn’t be a
reasonable length of the text to study or base research on. Finally,
websites like Wikipedia and YouTube fall into the same category because
they can be written by anyone (Chris Drew). This clearly shows that any
and everything can be put out there for consumption with no research,
reason, or facts to back it.
Chris.drew.98031506. “7 Non-Scholarly Sources You Should Never
Reference (2022).” Helpful Professor, 29 Apr. 2021,

Michael Bratz (He/Him)

” Reply
From my perspective, the definition of text is all forms of language. Math
equations are created, symphonies are orchestrated, poetry is spoken,
photos are taken, and books are written. All of forms of media are text as
they are, by definition, “convey meanings to the person who exams them.”
(Burnell). As humans progress with technology, the definition of texts
expands further. At one point someone would have seen a smiley face in
a book and saw an image, now we can have a conversation using nothing
but smiley face emojis. Text not just limited to just words on a page in a
dusty old book.
Academic writing is clear, concise, focused, structured, and backed up
by evidence. I.E., encyclopedias, textbooks, photographs, songbooks
(Academic Writing). As for what makes it worthy of study, that is
subjective to the individual for example, A musician may be look at a
songbook that shows how certain songs are arranged. They would be
studying that form of written text. However, another person can look at
that same book and decide to move past it as it means nothing to them
or their interests. Neither person is incorrect in their viewpoint of what
they deemed to be worthy of study it is just that it made a much more
lasting impact on the musician.
Works Cited
Burnell, Carol, et al., “The Word on College Reading and Writing.”
Pressbooks, openoregon.pressbooks.pub/wrd/chapter/what-is-a-text/.
Accessed 23, June 2020
What Is Academic Writing? – Library | University of Leeds.

James Graham (https://canvas.fscj.edu/courses/56268/users/124700)

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My impression of text, it is word that are either written or spoken that
can be understood by one another. Four types of literary text are:
descriptive, narrative, expository, and argumentative. An example of an
argumentative text topic is, “Whether or not student should be aloud
electronics in school”. A form of a verbal text is a narrator. Their job is to
tell the story of what is occurring to the audience so that they can
understand what is currently going on. Narrators can be found not only in
plays and stores but also in films making verbal text diverse just as
written text is. But main 2 types of text are Formal/Informal text. A form
of formal text is legal documentation. While its counter part informal text
is more like writing a note to a friend in class.
When it comes to a text being worthy of studying a key way of knowing is
first off if the text is understandable with the content being able to be
backed up with the facts that are being displayed throughout the text. For
example, a text that is study worthy is The Mayo Clinic. They have non
biased credible information. Speaking of biased that’s a sign on a text
not being credible. When a text starts to be opinionated or biased
towards a side that is when a text does not qualify for being worthy of
Malcolm, Janice, et al. “The Interrelationships Between Informal and
Formal Learning.” The Journal of Workplace Learning, vol. 15, no. 7/8,
MCB UP Ltd, 2003, pp. 313–18,

Hope Hardeman (She/Her)
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I believe all text is worthy of study, I believe it just narrows down to what
you are studying. For instance, if a biologist were to study living
organisms it would be very helpful for their profession but if a
construction worker came across this text, it would be qualified as
useless to them, does that mean we throw out all related living organisms
books; absolutely not. I believe that all text isn’t meant for all people,
that’s why authors have audiences fit for the passage, movie, blog, or
advertisement they are trying to get across. It’s comparable to giving a
baby dog food, it’s not meant for them, but if you have a dog, it can be
useful in feeding your pet. Mowitt agrees because on page 1218 he
basically states there are more text subjects today than ever, saying this
just pushed the idea that every text has a purpose and is made for a
reason. Even take social media as an example even though there are
some cruel things on platforms like Instagram, Tiktok, and let’s not forget
Twitter. There are social experiments, majority voting, and even news
whether fake or otherwise is used to spread awareness within these
platforms. All in all, I believe each freshly torn note, missing dog flyer,
and even hate comment has a purpose and is worthy of study.
Mowitt, John. “What Is a Text Today?” PMLA, vol. 117, no. 5, 2002, pp.
1217–21, http://www.jstor.org/stable/823172. Accessed 10 May 2022.