Socio-Cultural Impacts Of Events

Module: Events and Festivals Management

Topic: Socio-cultural impacts of events. – 3 pages

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the significance for diverse communities of staging international, national and local events and festivals
  2. critically analyse the economic, environmental and socio-cultural impacts of staging of events and festivals
  3. understand, critically evaluate and apply relevant theories, models and approaches to event management
  4. integrate and evaluate information and learning from a range of different sources better to understand and explore complex event management challenges communicate complex ideas in a manner that is articulate


References  (not included in word count)

7+ academic sources – must be peer reviewed references)

Marking Criteria

        Assessment criteria/




Grading level

Understanding of events and festivals


 Identification and application of theory


Critical analysis of the socio cultural impacts of staging events and festivals


Understanding of reflective writing    


Communication, Presentation & Referencing











Outstanding / Exceptional understanding of events and festivals. Outstanding / Exceptional level of knowledge & understanding demonstrated through an outstanding/excellent identification of relevant theory and application to festivals and events. Outstanding / Exceptional level of critical analysis of  socio cultural impacts of staging events and festivals




Outstanding / Exceptional level of critically reflective insight and awareness demonstrated in the work. Outstanding / Exceptional standards of spelling, punctuation, grammar & sentence structure. Entirely appropriate writing style. Outstanding / Exceptional standard of presentation.
In-text citations & reference list conform precisely to UWE Harvard requirements.