
(Earl)Packet switching, TCP/IP protocol, and client/server computing are internet technologies. (Laudon & Traver, 2021)

Packet switching is a method used to convert a digital message into smaller segments known as packets. Those packets are then sent to various locations and are reassembled back into a digital message once it has reached its destination. It would be like taking a picture of you and a friend at pool and cutting that picture into puzzle pieces. Those pieces are sealed in an envelope and mailed to your cousin in another state (that has cold weather). Once the envelope arrives, your cousin puts the pieces of the picture together and receives your message. If it were my cousin, I am sure he would have some “nice” words for me. And that method would be performed in the same order. He sends me a message that is converted into packets (we could say that it is encrypted) and after I receive the packets, I decipher or decrypt the message and laugh because I know he is envious of our weather here in Florida. Sometimes.

Now I know that was not the best explanation, but it will get better. I think. TCP/IP or Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol was developed to control how the packets of data are to be transferred. It maintains a level of integrity as the packets of data are moved back and forth by guiding the collection and ensuring that it reaches its intended destination. Consider it to be the escorting party that helps someone get to their next destination by choosing the right path or route.

Client/server computing is a series of client computers that are connected in a network with one or more servers. (Laudon & Traver, p. 122) Each computer within that network has an assigned duty or is dedicated to perform certain functions such as data storage, internet access/restriction, or printing. Ok, the last one did not sound that thrilling but it still has a needed function to perform.

Two services that the internet and web offer are video conferencing and instant messaging. Instant messaging (IM) is a type of online chat that offers text communications over the inter in real-time. (Poudel, 2022)

Video conferencing is an internet service (Zoom, Skype, & WebEx) that allows two or more people to communicate via audio-video in real time. This is another way for my cousin to give me a few choice words from a colder climate while I get to float by my friend in the pool.



Laudon, K. C., & Traver, C. G. (2021). e-Commerce 2021: Business, technology, and society (16th ed.). Pearson.