Advance Health Assessment

NSG 500-Advanced health assessment

Using the information from this week’s Health History assignment in Shadow Health, describe areas of the health history where you think you needed to obtain more information and discuss why that information is important for this patient. Use information below, BP 142/82, HR 86, RR 19, O2 99%, 170 CM tall, 90 KG, BMI 31, random blood glucose 238, temp 101.1 fr, R foot wound 2cm x 1.5 cm, 2.5 mm. you already cleaned the wound and collected C&S and applied sterile dressing. Age 28, female, African American, chief complaint-initial primary care visit today reports infected wound.

Post your initial response and respond to one student.  Both responses should be a minimum of 150 words, scholarly written, APA formatted, and referenced.  A minimum of 2 references are required


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