Discussion 3


 You must reply to original questions/prompts by Thursday of each week. This counts as the online portion of the class and is how you get attendance for this meeting date. This is every week. All first posts must be 150 word minimum (no replies are required). All prompts must be answered for full credit. All reply to peer posts must be 50 words. You only have to reply to 1 peer – 150 word minimum for your answer and 50 word reply for your peer reply. The peer reply must critique your peers post – it cannot be an “I agree …” post. ART/ARCHITECTURE

1) What are the main differences in architecture between Romanesque and Gothic styles? What is the main difference in religious messages between the Romanesque and Gothic style. Provide examples for both parts of this question. 

2) Why is Giotto considered the father of the Renaissance even though his work is firmly in the Gothic era? 

3) How did the Renaissance copy Roman and Greek architecture and painting?