Critical Thinking Unit VI Discussion Board Question Consider science as defined in Chapter 5 of our textbook, and the role of objectivity in scientific research. Define subjectivity in contrast to obj

Critical Thinking

Unit VI Discussion Board Question

Consider science as defined in Chapter 5 of our textbook, and the role of objectivity in scientific research. Define subjectivity in contrast to objectivity. How does using objective evidence help scientists find working answers? How might understanding the importance of objectivity help you find working answers to problems of your own and become a better critical thinker in the process?

Unit VII Discussion Board Question

Give an example of rhetoric, and identify the rhetorical devices or tactics used (hyperbole, mode of persuasion, like ethos). Compare and contrast rhetoric with logical argument. Do you use rhetoric? Why, or why not?

Learning Strategies for Success

Unit VI Discussion Board

Many students will readily agree that they have embraced help when writing their papers. However, when does seeking writing help cross the line into cheating? How could a “homework assistance” website promote academic dishonesty? In your opinion, what should happen to students who have paid someone to complete their work?

Unit VII Discussion Board

Have you ever heard a student say that APA is just too hard? What could have been the source of that frustration? What could be done to eliminate the typical barriers that are associated with APA writing?

Anatomy and Physiology II

Unit VI Discussion Board Question

Many people breathe through their mouths while others breathe through their noses. What are your thoughts on why breathing through the nasal cavity is more desired than breathing through the mouth?

Unit VII Discussion Board Question

Research has shown digestion begins in the mouth. A healthy mouth, including teeth, plays an important role in digestion. Have you ever worked with a patient whose dentures or severe tooth decay has affected his or her digestion? Share your experience. If not, what do you think is the best way to emphasize this to patients?

Community Health

Unit VI Discussion Board Question

Choose either the category of unintentional injuries (such as motor vehicle accidents) or intentional injuries (such as gunshot or stabbing). Identify basic U.S. epidemiology and persons most at risk for your category. Then discuss prevention strategies that you feel would be most effective in mitigating these injuries. Give specific examples, and explain your rationale for the strategies selected.

Unit VII Discussion Board Question

Discuss what you believe to be the necessary hallmarks or characteristics of effective leadership in a community and public health setting. To illustrate your opinion, offer two real-world examples to compare and contrast how leadership affected a community health issue or event.

Introduction to Current Procedural Terminology

Unit VI Discussion Board Question

As a coder, it is critical to stay up-to-date on coding topics and changes, beyond simply ensuring you have a current copy of the coding manual. Locate and share at least one electronic resource that can help you stay current and informed. Be specific—share not only the URL of the website or resource, but identify in what ways features of this resource will help you as a coder.

Unit VII Discussion Board Question

Consider the sections of the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) manual that you have worked with in this course. Which one do you feel is the most difficult or complicated to work with? Which section do you feel will be the easiest to work with? Explain your reasoning and concerns.

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