Summative Assessment: Media Post On A Social Problem

Assignment Content:

Media is a social institution that relates to nearly all other institutions in American society. Social institutions rely on media to communicate with the public, and often, the messages are intended to get people or groups to believe or act a certain way.
You can use sociological theory to analyze media messages and evaluate the legitimacy of the information they share. A theoretical lens can help us understand how institutions use media to share information both on a macro-level, to stimulate social behavior, and a micro-level, to influence individuals and groups.
In this assignment, you are presented with a scenario in which you use media to create a message about a social issue. You will use your knowledge of sociological theory to share information and recommend a course of action.


You are a community leader or social media influencer with a respectable professional reputation. Your followers want to know your perspective on a social issue you care deeply about. Even though you are passionate about the issue, you know, as a professional, you must use social media responsibly since it can influence others.

To prepare a media message for your targeted audience, take the following steps:

Select 1 sociological theory: that best reflects your view on a social problem. You will use this theory as you discuss the social problem.

Do the following for the topic: social problems based on sexuality.

  • -Identify the social problem you’ve chosen to discuss.
  • -Explain how this social problem affects society at the micro-level.
  • -Explain how this social problem affects society at the macro-level.
  • -Explain how the sociological theory you selected approaches this social problem.
  • -Summarize your advice to your followers regarding how they should approach thinking about this social problem, according to the theory you selected.

Create a written message of 450 words for a public blog or social media post.