create a sitemap or animated media clip


  1. This week is the first time you will be allowed to select your project based on your specialization area. Embrace this opportunity to customize your project as a possible portfolio piece that demonstrates your valuable knowledge of User Experience!
    Web Students: Create a Sitemap
    Your lab assignment has 3 parts. Part 1 is your project’s sitemap, Part 2 is your content strategy document, and Part 3 is your content inventory. Please follow the directions below for each part of your assignment:
    Part 1
    Creating a sitemap is a critical step in the UX development. The client will want to see a visual of what their website pages will contain.
    Download the site map PowerPoint template below.
    site map PowerPoint templat.pptxAfter you have opened the PowerPoint presentation, edit BOTH slides to match what your website sitemap will contain.
    Include the following:

    1. At least four navigation menu links. (this is the second level)
    2. At least one page under each navigation menu. (this is the third level)
    3. Add the title for each of the level’s webpages.
    4. Remove any extra levels.
    5. Edit the Sitemap elements to reflect any changes you have made.
    6. Part 2

      content inventory Excel template document.xls

      Download the content inventory Excel template document above and fill in the necessary information as requested for each column. Two pages have been provided as an example for you to guide you in completing this exercise for your website project. Be sure to delete the example data when you have completed your specific website data entry. Include each page of your project (your project contains 5 web pages so your inventory will be for each of the five pages) and any comments that are pertinent to the future use of this document. Save your completed document as an Excel Spreadsheet.
      Part 3

      content strategy document .doc

      Download the content strategy document above and complete an outline of your website project pages. Include all headings and sub-headings for each one of your web pages and be sure to delete the sample example data that is shown in the template. Save your completed outline as a Microsoft Word file.
      Put ALL three documents into a zip folder and
      Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below:

      Animation Students: Create an Animation Media Clip
      It is your turn! Now that you have explored this week lab activity, apply the concepts to your own project.
      Create an animated loading GIF clip using Illustrator and Photoshop from graphics you create for your complete final project. You may NOT use the exercise files or any graphics contained within those. Your graphics must be your original work and be all within the same theme as outlined in the animation final project overview in Module 1.
      You will achieve an average score for following the tutorial step by step. To score above and beyond you must show a working knowledge of the techniques introduced by applying the process to your own assets reflecting your chosen topic or brand.
      Submit the Illustrator .ai file, Photoshop .psd file as well as all created assets.

      Submitting Your Project
      When you have completed the assignment, place all of the media asset files along with the software native files and ZIP it into a single file folder. (NOTE: You will need to include all of the graphics and media assets along with the main save files from Adobe.) Make sure both the file names include your name, so that when they are unzipped your instructor can tell who did the particular project.
      Submit the ZIPPED file to the Drop Box. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.
      The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below: