Assessment Description Having solid backup systems in place is an essential business function, as human error, unforeseen disasters, and circumstances can cause data and files to be erroneously delete

Assessment Description

Having solid backup systems in place is an essential business function, as human error, unforeseen disasters, and circumstances can cause data and files to be erroneously deleted. Loss of data often has the potential to have devastating effects on an organization if it cannot be retrieved.

Reference the following CYB-515 videos (located in the Class Resources) as needed to complete the lab:

  • File System Management and Maintenance
  • Creating Server Backup Part 1
  • Creating Server Backup Part 2

Part 1

For this assignment, set up a full backup of the server and test to see whether the backups are functioning correctly by restoring content that was mistakenly deleted during routine maintenance. As you complete each step of the assignment, take screenshots of the full backup, the deletion of the “Special Customers” folder, and the restoration of the “Special Customers” folder from the full backup.

  • Complete a full backup of the server.
  • Create a folder named “Special Customers + your last name” in your documents folder.
  • Within the “Special Customers” folder, create one text file named “Special Customers” and add three names to it: Mary Smith, Thomas Green, and Taylor Jones. Make sure to save the file.
  • Perform a full backup as part of routine maintenance for the Windows Server 2019.
  • Delete the “Special Customers” folder.
  • To test whether the full backup functions correctly, restore the “Special Customers” folder from the full backup.

Part 2

Write a 500-1000-word lab report that includes a title page, table of contents, overview, and the required screenshots with summaries.

  • Provide a summary of what you were accomplishing when you completed the backup and tested whether it was functioning correctly.
  • Explain why performing backups and having the ability to restore files is an essential function for cybersecurity professionals.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.  

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.  

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.