You will write a strategic analysis of a company of your choice. Your paper must be no less than 12 pages long Your cover page and reference page are not included in these 12 pages My recommendatio

You will write a strategic analysis of a company of your choice. 

Your paper must be no less than 12 pages long Your cover page and reference page are not included in these 12 pages

My recommendation is that you choose a company that is going through some tough times or is struggling with some key strategic issues. You must give an introduction of the organization. Identify its current state in the industry. Identify its industry and competitors. You will conduct an in-depth study of the firm, and apply the concepts, analytical tools and frameworks of this course to analyze its: External and internal environments Identify the firm’s strategic options Come up with a set of recommendations to maximize the firm’s long-term performance. Your paper must be in APA format. If you need help with APA format or writing a master level paper, please contact the Writing Studio. You must include a minimum of 10 peer reviewed sources. . Your paper must also include an introduction and conclusion (note: the actual heading introduction must not be written in the paper per APA, but the heading conclusion should be included per APA. 85% of your references must be no older that 5 years old.

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