please use these websites for this essay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lesson 8: the essay will consist of a report

please use these websites for this essay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lesson 8: the essay will consist of a report on the self-management practice you started in Lesson 2. In preparation for this essay, return to Lesson 2 and repeat the self-assessments. You will compare your initial results with your new results in this essay.  In this essay, self-plagiarism is allowed.

Introduction: should include a sentence on the importance of caring self-management for professional effectiveness

Paragraph 1: Which self-assessment was most concerning to you, the self-compassion assessment or the self-efficacy portion, and why?

Paragraph 2: What self-management technique did you implement to address your concerns? Describe your plan, and how well you followed the plan you initially set.

Paragraph 3: Were there any changes in your self-assessment results when you repeated them? Describe why you think your plan did or did not result in any changes in your self-assessment results. Describe additional things you can do to either deepen or maintain the changes you have achieved.

Conclusion: should include some indication of how you will use this information in the future

Essay requirements:

  • 5 paragraphs, minimum
  • 1,250 words, minimum
  • Using the following resources:
    • Textbook or assigned reading
    • Supplemental resource provided in class
    • academic sources obtained through your own research
  • In-text citations are required for any concepts, data, facts, terminology, etc. obtained from any of the resources.
  • All resources should be cited in the body of the text whenever information from the resource is utilized.
  • Citations must include page numbers where available.
  • Resource list is required.