The final project for this course is an opportunity to apply what you’ve learned to an actual person or case. You will choose between developing a diversion, intervention, or a mitigation investigatio

The final project for this course is an opportunity to apply what you’ve learned to an actual person or case. You will choose between developing a diversion, intervention, or a mitigation investigation plan for a real-world individual of your choice (that person you choose may be any real person from a court case or media reporting. It may also be someone in your life who agrees to be the subject of the project). In this draft, you should:

1) Identify the person for whom you’ll be developing a plan,

2) Provide citations and discuss at least two sources of information about the person and case for whom you are developing a plan

3) List the type of plan you intend to develop, and provide a brief explanation of why you chose this type of plan.