7-9 Pages In today’s world, health program professionals are expected to incorporate technology into behavior change programs. To familiarize yourselves with technology and health promotion, please pr

7-9 Pages

In today’s world, health program professionals are expected to incorporate technology into behavior change programs. To familiarize yourselves with technology and health promotion, please prepare a literature review of the research paper due in week 8 on the use of technology (i.e. digital tools, cellular phones, apps, etc.) in health program design. To complete this assignment correctly, you must choose a health topic or issue of interest to you. The Literature Review should contain 15-17 scholarly, peer reviewed articles, published within the last 5-7 years for interventions that employ innovative technological strategies to assist in behavior change. Do not select “review” or “meta-analysis” articles. If you discover an interesting intervention published in a review article, you must find the original article (go to the reference page). 

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