minimal 2 references, 250 words each question (pls answer succinctly ) 1. Descriptive statistics, such as demographics of the sample, are required for the DPI Project (implementing the ABCDEF bundle

minimal  2 references, 250 words each question (pls answer succinctly ) 

1. Descriptive statistics, such as demographics of the sample, are required for the DPI Project (implementing the ABCDEF bundle). Describe the project population (adult patients 18 years of age and older)  and project sample (35 participants). What demographic variables of your sample will you collect? (age, sex, race, insurance, transferring facility, code status),  What data source will you use to get these data? (electronic health record, LTRAX- transferring facility data)What do these data tell you about your sample? risks of comorbidites, likely to wean, decannulation; provide evidence supporting your response.

2. compare parametric and nonparametric statistical tests. How does each test depend on the assumption of normality? What would you do if the data are not normally distributed? Provide evidence supporting your response.