Problem Solving Journal Entry PLEASE READ ATTACHMENT FOR MY SELECTED TOPIC BEFORE ANSWERING QUESTIONS!!!! At the end of this course, you will be required to submit a final semester project. Each Modul

Problem Solving Journal Entry PLEASE READ ATTACHMENT FOR MY SELECTED TOPIC BEFORE ANSWERING QUESTIONS!!!! At the end of this course, you will be required to submit a final semester project. Each Module requires you to submit

Problem Solving Journal Entry 

At the end of this course, you will be required to submit a final semester project.  Each Module requires you to submit a project journal.  Your total grade on the project journals submitted will account for 10% of your overall grade in this course.  In completing this assignment, you will be applying problem solving processes that you are learning in this course.  This journal entry will assist you in putting together your final semester project.

The Assignment 

This should be your sixth journal post.  As you proceed through each module you will be applying the objectives learned in that module to your “problem” and posting entries in your project journal.

In this journal entry, having a better understanding of Critical Thinking and how to overcome obstacles; Avoid Deductive Reasoning Fallacies; Avoid Inductive Reasoning Fallacies; and Becoming a Critical Thinker, please complete parts 7 and 8 for this journal entry.  So, refer to your text book should you need any additional information to assist you when discussing these objectives.

  • Module Six Journal Entry:
  • Part 7- Implement the solution-Add
    • Develop a Implementation plan
    • Determine what the decision is
    • How the solution will be put into place
    • Outline how solution will be monitored and evaluated
  • Part 8- Discuss any obstacles you encountered in your process