Evaluate the communication process

Assignment Details Assignment DescriptionEvaluate the communication process for 2 specified organizational teams using a health care organization of your choice. Include the following in your paper:An analysis of a scholarly model of communicationStrengths and weaknesses of the communication processes and individual roles along with legal considerationsEvaluation of 5 conflict resolution methods1 conflict resolution method that is best applicable to both teams and rationale for your decisionClick .aiuniv.edu/LCMSFileShareCommon/e12/712/d9c/652/4d1/e86/ebe/982/923/1c5/f2/108651.pdf”>here for relevant resource articles for this unit.For a resource guide on using the online library to search for references please click .aiuniv.edu/LCMSFileShareCommon/fb1/35e/957/988/4a8/fbe/0c2/6dc/d89/383/02/FindingLibraryArticles.pdf”>here.