Question 1. Based on, “Trends That Will Shape Hospice in 2022″Actions, material attached Discuss the factors impacting hospice providers as well as the patients and families in need of their services.

Question 1. Based on, “Trends That Will Shape Hospice in 2022″Actions, material attached

  • Discuss the factors impacting hospice providers as well as the patients and families in need of their services.
  • Are there any additional trends that you think may impact end-of-life care in the future?

You must cite class material and reference each source separately using the APA method 2 to 3 paragraphs

Question 2.

There has been much debate regarding “common core” and improving educational outcomes. What would be the most important change(s) that could be implemented to achieve improved educational outcomes for all students?  cite material apa method 2 to paragraphs please check attached files

Question 3.

The text notes that women’s midlife review is influenced by its societal context. Please discuss issues and life changes, if any that will be relevant to today’s generation of young adults when they reach middle age. This must have at least 2 sources or more thank you