- Write 4 to 15 line for each question
- Cite everything, provide reference after answering each question.
- Mark the question and which option you are writing
- Provide with plagiarism report
- you need to find the book
Testbook: Amore, Roy C., Amir Hussain, and Willard Oxtoby, eds. World Religions: Eastern Traditions.5th ed. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press, 2019. (ISBN-978-0-19-900287-0)
This Discussion Question asks you to critically think about Jainism’s origins, so be sure to begin Unit 4: Jaina Traditions before addressing one of the questions below. To successfully complete this discussion as part of your participation grade, your submission must be 4 sentences or more and put into your own words (that is, not copied and pasted from the internet). You must submit your own thread first before you can read what others have written. I encourage you to read and reply to others!
Please select ONE of the following options for your discussion thread:
Option 1: Given that Jainism and Buddhism emerged during the same time period, why do you think Buddhism flourished and spread while Jainism did not?
Option 2: What is the key aspect of Jainism that makes it different from Hinduism and/or Buddhism?
Welcome to DQ6! To successfully complete this discussion as part of your participation grade, your submission must be 4 sentences or more and put into your own words (that is, not copied and pasted from the internet). You must submit your own thread first before you can read what others have written. I encourage you to read and reply to others!
Please select ONE option for your discussion thread:
Option 1: In Jainism, the main goal is to cause no harm (ahimsa). What career do you think causes the least amount of harm in the world (according to Jain principles) and why?
Option 2: What do you find to be the most compelling aspect of Jainism and why?